Twelve Symbolic Objects of Tangible/Intangible Culture



How to Cite

de Laiglesia González, J. F. (2020). Twelve Symbolic Objects of Tangible/Intangible Culture. Res Mobilis, 9(11), 46–64.


Design as Cultural Heritage is a 2018 European proposal; this draws on Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage regarded as ‘our heritage: where the past meets the future’. This paper aims to answer the research question about the nature of the space between the human been and the world. Therefore, it will analyse certain processes that occur in their thickness, focussing on ‘authenticity criteria’ employed by UNESCO to define tangible culture in order to identify different language use of ‘culture’. From these, both criteria and usage, this paper evaluate the four main reasons multidisciplinary background to support the late correlation between ‘tangible and intangible culture’. Eventually, this paper proposes four sequences of symbolic objects which embody tangible culture contents.


Key Words: Culture, Tangible, Intangible, Authenticity.


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