Following the Mexican Revolution, a program began for the dissemination of certain symbols of national identity–to redefine Mexicanity. The search was expressed in fine and decorative arts, including furniture. In this context, the “Butaque” chair reappeared.
Artists like Luis Barragán, William Spratling, Clara Porset, and Manuel Parra, among others, proposed their own interpretations of this traditional rural seat, inserting it into a new socio-cultural context, making it a representative piece of 20th century Mexican furniture. Despite its significance, there have not been many studies or publications on the piece, and mystery surrounds its origin.
The objective of this work is to present a hypothesis about the origin of the “butaque” in the colonial codices, and to revalue it as a mestizo seat, a combination of European manufacturing techniques and technologies with materials, labor and ability of the Mexican indigenous, making it a worthy representation of Mexican cultural identity.
Carrillo y Gariel, Abelardo. Evolución del mueble en México. México: INAH, 1957.
Díaz, Giselle & Rodgers, Allan. The Codex Borgia, A full-color restoration of the ancient Mexican Manuscript. New York: Ed. Dover Publications, 1993.
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal. Historia verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España, vol. 1. Madrid: Benito Cano, 1795.
Escalante Gonzalbo, Pablo. Los códices mesoamericanos antes y después de la conquista española. Historia de un lenguaje pictográfico. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2010.
Galarza, Jjoaquín. Los códices de México. Ciudad de México: INAH, 1996. http://www.iconio.com/ABCD/F/INDEX.PDF
Gontar, Cybèle Trione. "The Campeche Chair in The Metropolitan Museum of Art." Metropolitan Museum Journal, 2003: 207-237.
Mallet, Ana Elena. Silla Mexicana. México: Arquine/Secretaría de Cultura, 2017.
Rivas Pérez, Jorge F. Observaciones sobre el origen, desarrollo y manufactura del mobiliario en América Latina. J.J: 2007.
Rishel, Joseph & Stratton-Pruit, Suzanne. Revelaciones, Las artes en América Latina 1492-1820. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007: 484 - 515.
Rivas P´érez, Jorge F. "Butacas y butaques: sillas nuevas para el nuevo Mundo." Silla Mexicana. México: Arquine/Secretaría de Cultura, 2017.
Valle, Perla. "Códice de Tlatelolco." Arqueología Mexicana, vol. 15, no. 89 (2008): 66-70.