The Miracle and the Quotidian: Domestic interiors and Popular Furniture in the Andalusian Votive Offerings
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Votive Offerings
Domestic Interiors
Popular Religion exvotos
Interiores domésticos
Religiosidad popular

How to Cite

Fernández Martín, M. M. (2021). The Miracle and the Quotidian: Domestic interiors and Popular Furniture in the Andalusian Votive Offerings. Res Mobilis, 10(13-1), 130–147.


Through the abundant presence of votive offerings painted in Andalusia, different aspects of daily life are analyzed, such as furniture and its presence in the home, reflecting the social status of its owners. Works were made, for the most part, by anonymous authors and non-professional painters; the simplicity and ingenuity of the paintings contrast with the large amount of information they provide. Unlike the cultivated furniture, the popular one evolved more slowly, confirming, in many occasions that we are dealing with furniture from indeterminate times. According to its chronological classification, we can follow the evolution of its structures and typologies, as well as the shift in preferences that will affect ornamental themes and the technique, appreciating the influence of cultivated furniture over the popular, or the frequent union of both artistic expressions.
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