Conservation and Restoration intervention of a 16th Century Catalan Bridal Chest
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How to Cite

Paret Pey, J., & Zornoza Esteban, J. (2021). Conservation and Restoration intervention of a 16th Century Catalan Bridal Chest. Res Mobilis, 10(13-1), 63–79.


The Centre de Restauració de Béns Mobles de Catalunya (CRBMC) has enabled the conservation and restoration of a Catalan polychrome wooden bridal chest. Before the intervention a complete preliminary study was carried out. This study begins with a photographic analysis with different types of lighting: visible light (diffuse light applied in different ways, with more or less detail and raking light) and invisible radiation (ultraviolet and infrared light), to end with the X-ray. These examination techniques are complemented by physicochemical analyses, which allow obtaining specific information on its constituent materials.

Finally, this is about making these analyses available to the conservators to deepen their understanding of the work and to be able to make a better conservation and restoration proposal. In the same way, it can be useful for art historians to determine attributions, dates or identify the veracity or falsity of them.
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