Living Barcelona. The Restitution and Museization of the Cases Barates del Bon Pastor
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Working class housing
Working class furniture 20th century
Social housing
Heitage recuperation
Museology Vivienda obrera
Mobiliario popular siglo XX
Polígonos residenciales
Recuperación patrimonial

How to Cite

Sustersic, P., Roca i Albert, J., Alcubierre, D., Cazalla, C., Hervás, N., Manenti, A., Mercader, A., & Ramos, J. (2021). Living Barcelona. The Restitution and Museization of the Cases Barates del Bon Pastor. Res Mobilis, 10(13-2), 328–361.


The article exposes the complex process of research, work and reflection that the MUHBA (Museu d’Història de Barcelona, the City Museum of Barcelona) has been carrying out since 2016 for the constitution of its heritage site dedicated to the housing of the working classes of Barcelona, ​​soon to open, located in a preserved low-cost housing block of the Bon Pastor neighbourhood, on the banks of the Besós river. In this general framework, are discussed in particular the process and the criteria followed by the multidisciplinary team in charge of the project to restore four houses that will show the living and interiors of the Barcelona working classes in the 20th century, until the beginning of the 21st. Bearing in mind the experience of some workers housing museums in Northern European countries, the MUHBA proposal aims to become a model in Southern Europe, framed in a narrative focused on the history of the social majorities in big European cities.
PDF (Español (España))


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