Le Corbusier and Bent Wood Furniture: Thonet and Kohn
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Decorative arts
Modern movement
Pavilion of l’Esprit Nouveau
Armchair Viena
Arte Decorativo
Movimiento Moderno
Pabellón de l’Esprit Nouveau

How to Cite

Vives Chillida, J. A. (2022). Le Corbusier and Bent Wood Furniture: Thonet and Kohn. Res Mobilis, 11(14), 115–144. https://doi.org/10.17811/rm.11.14.2022.115-144


The article reconstructs a state of the art in the relations between Le Corbusier and the bentwood furniture of the manufacturers Thonet and Jacob & Josef Kohn, through the examination of those moments and places in which the architect had contact or used said furniture. Beginning from his visit to Kohn's showroom in Vienna (1908), it is analyzed the sketch with Kohn's furniture that he sent to L'Eplattenier, his teacher at La Chaux de Fonds, as well as the shop's interior brochure, with installations and furniture by Josef Hoffmann and Koloman Moser, which is published as an annex to this article. Reference is also made to the chairs he used at the Casino-Thèatre in his hometown and to his visit to Kohn's shop in Paris. Finally, we analyze the origin, production, design and significance of the bentwood desk armchair of the Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau in 1925, that came from La Ville La Roche-Jeanneret.  Overall, there is an interest of Le Corbusier in purified and schematic bentwood furniture and also an evolution towards a greater involvement in furniture design, ending with the tubular steel furniture in 1928.

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