Brief notes for the Study of Carpentry and Cabinetmaking cCompanies in Alicante between the Ending of Nineteenth Century and the First Third of the Twentieth Century
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artes aplicadas
Alicante furniture
arts and crafts

How to Cite

Sánchez Izquierdo, P. (2022). Brief notes for the Study of Carpentry and Cabinetmaking cCompanies in Alicante between the Ending of Nineteenth Century and the First Third of the Twentieth Century. Res Mobilis, 11(14), 79–96.


The urbanistic and cultural development in Alicante from the middle nineteenth century led to the emergence of many artistic industries and workshops linked to architecture and construction. Some previous papers have shown the progress of the city through the study of companies that produced mosaics, sculptures, ceramics or that were dedicated to interior design. This article considers these essays, but contemplates the carpentry and cabinetmaking industries in the cit. As a result of a methodology that considers different sources, this research shows evidences of thirty-four businesses, provides their activity dates, provides their location and demonstrates which type of furniture they manufactured.
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