The article focuses on Marcel Breuer's work in the field of interior design and furniture design during his time in England (October 1935 - December 1938), prior to his establishment in the United States. Breuer created a wide range of furniture using plywood for the Isokon Company, founded by the entrepreneur Jack Pritchard. These furniture pieces are now collector's items displayed museums, such as the MoMa in New York and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. The article also analyzes some interior design projects that Breuer undertook during those years, including the Bristol Pavilion or Dora Ventris' apartment. For the preparation of this article, the primary source used was the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive, along with secondary sources such as Jack Pritchard's memoirs and a collection of articles on Breuer that appeared in publications like The Architectural Review and The Architects' Journal.
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Pritchard, Jack. View from a Long Chair: the memoirs of Jack Pritchard. London: Routledge, 1984.
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