Xingú Stools: cosmovision, graphics and creative processes
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art in Brazil
indigenous art
latinamerican furniture art
indigenous communities
International Exhibition arte en Brasil
arte indígena
arte mueble latinoamericano
comunidades indígenas
Exposición Internacional

How to Cite

Pérez Pérez, S., & Bravo Guerrero, F. (2024). Xingú Stools: cosmovision, graphics and creative processes. Res Mobilis, 13(18), 236–242.


​​Review of the exhibition "Indigenous Benches of Brazil - Graphic Designs, BEĨ Collection" at Casa de América. The exhibition explores various aspects of benches crafted by indigenous artists from the Xingú territories in Brazil. It delves into the relationship of these furniture pieces with the worldview of indigenous cultures in the region, their religious, social, and everyday uses, as well as the significance of the creative process as a fundamental part of each bench.
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Barreto, Cristiana. “Bancos indígenas: entre arte e artefato,” En Bancos Indígenas do Brasil, editado por Colección BEI, 19-29. Sao Paulo: BEI Comunicación, 2015.


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