With increasing life expectancy, fragility is concentrated in recent years, and a need for long-term care, some people will live and die in nursing homes. Staff in nursing homes need to know the preferences of each person in the end-of-life process, and to respect wishes and decisions to help people have a dignified death.
Objective: To know what psychosocial care is like in the end-of-life process that is given to people living in nursing homes, how it is perceived by staff, and to analyze the use that is made of the Advance Care Planning.
Methodology: Study carried out with staff from interdisciplinary teams in older adults care centres. The sample is made up of 69 workers from 12 residential centers. Results: Only half of the professionals talk to people about their wishes and wills in the end-of-life process. Half of the professionals say that decisions about the dying process are not made with the family and the person involved, nor is a consensus reached with them. Reporting on the Advance Care Planning would be of great importance, but many residents do not have it drawn up upon admission nor do they do so during their stay in the center.
Conclusion: The results show the need to train professionals and the importance of communicating with the family. The professionals of the nursing. homes need to know and improve in all the aspects that intervene in the care at the end of life, so that the decisions are made according to the wishes of the people.
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