The translation of «The Recess» (1783-1785) by Sophia Lee, a novel for the Spanish ladies of high quality at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century
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«The Recess»
Sophia Lee
lectoras «The Recess»
Sophia Lee
women readers

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Lasa Álvarez, B. (2022). The translation of «The Recess» (1783-1785) by Sophia Lee, a novel for the Spanish ladies of high quality at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century. Cuadernos De Estudios Del Siglo XVIII, (32), 309–342.


At the end of the18th century and beginning of the 19th century, the number of women readers was gradually increasing and the Spanish society was integrating the figure of the woman as a reader naturally. This situation was perceived in diverse contexts, being books among the most relevant ones. The Spanish translation of The Recess; or, A Tale of Other Times (1783-1785) by the English writer Sophia Lee is a clear proof. When it was published in England this novel comprised abundant features that might be enjoyable for women readers, such as the combination of history, Gothic and sentimentality, and the centrality of female protagonists and their issues. Nevertheless, by means of the study of the paratextual elements of the editions of the Spanish translation, the conclusion is that indeed, women were considered as the main addressees of the text.
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