Volumen 25, Número 4
Volumen 25, Número 4


Elisardo Becoña, María Isabel Vázquez, María Del Carmen Míguez, Elena Fernández Del Río, Ana López-Durán, úrsula Martínez, Bárbara Piñeiro
Smoking habit profile and health-related quality of life
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Natalia Calvo, Fernando Gutiérrez, Miguel Casas
Diagnostic agreement between the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ-4+) and its clinical significance scale
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José Manuel García Montes, Flor Zaldívar Basurto, Margarita Moreno Montoya, Pilar Flores Cubos
Relationship between drug use and psychopathological variables of risk in university students
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José M. Gavilán Ibáñez, José E. García-Albea Ristol
Theory of Mind and language comprehension in schizophrenia
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Juan Manuel Ortigosa Quiles, Gloria García-Banda García, Karin Chellew, Esperança Ponsell Vicens, Antonio Riquelme Marín, María Pilar Nicolás Carrasco
Identification of degrees of anxiety in children with three- and five-face facial scales
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Mª José Gil Moreno, Marta Cerezo García, Raluca Marasescu, Ana Pinel González, Laudino López álvarez, Yolanda Aladro Benito
Neuropsychological syndromes in multiple sclerosis
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Natalia Arias, Javier Morán, Nélida Conejo, Jorge L. Arias
Sexual metabolic differences in the rat limbic brain
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Enrique Moraleda, Cristina Broglio, Fernando Rodríguez, Antonia Gómez
Development of different spatial frames of reference for orientation in small-scale environments
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Paz Suárez-Coalla, Aida Collazo Alonso, María González-Nosti
Phonological recovery in spanish developmental dyslexics through the tip-of-the-tongue paradigm
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Ignacia Arruabarrena, Joaquín De Paúl, Silvia Indias, María Ullate
Psychologists and child psychological maltreatment severity assessment
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Emilia I. De La Fuente Solana, Raimundo Aguayo Extremera, Cristina Vargas Pecino, Gustavo R. Cañadas De La Fuente
Prevalence and risk factors of burnout syndrome among spanish police officers
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Pere Joan Ferrando Piera, Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana, Paloma Paleo Cageao, Silvia De La Flor López, Francesc Ferrando Piera
Distortions and gender-related differences in the perception of mechanical engineering in high school students
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Juan José Montaño Moreno, Alfonso Palmer Pol, Albert Sesé Abad, Berta Cajal Blasco
Using the R-MAPE index as a resistant measure of forecast accuracy
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Vanesa Moreira Trillo, Lourdes Mirón Redondo
The role of gender identity in adolescents' antisocial behavior
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Tamara Sheinbaum, Erika Bedoya, Thomas R. Kwapil, Neus Barrantes-Vidal
Comparison of self-reported attachment in young adults from Spain and the United States
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Guillermo Vallejo Seco, Manuel Ato García, María Paula Fernández García, Pablo Esteban Livacic Rojas
Multilevel bootstrap analysis with assumptions violated
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Laura Camacho, Laura Mezquita, Manuel Ignacio Ibáñez, Jorge Moya, Helena Villa, Ana María Viruela, Generós Ortet
Spanish adaptation of the expectancy questionnaire (EQ) about alcohol effects in adolescents
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María Luisa Cuenca Montesino, José Luis Graña Gómez, María Elena Peña Fernández, José Manuel Andreu Rodríguez
Psychometric properties of the dyadic adjustment scale (DAS) in a community sample of couples
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María Elena Peña Fernández, José Manuel Andreu Rodríguez, álvaro Barriga, John Gibbs
Psychometrical properties of the "How I Think" Questionnaire (HIT-Q) in adolescents
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Fernando García, Enrique Gracia, Alina Zeleznova
Validation of the English version of the five-factor self-concept questionnaire
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