Dona Folô’s clothing: a non-free Creole, who carried jewelry and fine fabrics
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Cómo citar

Madu, M. do C., & Barone, A. C. C. (2023). Dona Folô’s clothing: a non-free Creole, who carried jewelry and fine fabrics: . Res Mobilis, 12(16), 137–151.


This article addresses the discussion presented to the Design, History and Society Annual Conference 2022 with the theme Design and Transience that took place in September 8th-10th 2022 at the Izmir Technological Institute, in Turkey. The objective was to present the transience of the social role occupied by Dona Folô in the period of Imperial Brazil, by carrying the Crioula Jewelry and wearing clothes made in fine fabrics – although she, as a slave, did not have possession of her freedom. With this research in progress, we aim to give visibility to the story of Dona Folô, while also wanting to talk about Crioula Jewelry and fabrics imported from Great Britain. As a result, we observed that the subject raised the interest of scholars and researchers who participated in the Conference.
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