Call of papers 5th Ibero-American Congress on Furniture History 11-14 June 2025


Furniture refers to a wide range of objects that, over different periods, have facilitated various human activities. On this occasion, the congress will focus, following Pierre Bourdieu’s ideas, on “Furniture as Cultural Capital”, viewing it as an element that confers power and social status, while also welcoming interpretations from different perspectives and historical periods.

The congress invites the participation of professionals from art history, history, conservation, restoration, architecture, design, artisanship, museums, antiquarian trade, as well as researchers investigating the cultural, artistic, historical, material, social, political, economic, or anthropological implications of furniture.

The aim is to enable interpretations of heritage that reflect changes in ways of life, rituals, and social status. We welcome contributions on material and technical aspects, crafts and industries, typologies, models and structures, functions and expressions, occasions, beliefs and identities, relationships and connections with the environment and other settings, as well as studies on the market, collecting, exhibition, and management of furniture heritage.

Therefore, broad approaches and case studies will be necessary, as well as the analysis of relationships between furniture and different disciplines, alongside theoretical, historiographical, and methodological readings that highlight different sources of research.

The congress will address the following thematic areas:

  • Cultural, practical, and symbolic dimensions.
  • Techniques and materials, crafts and industries.
  • Typologies, models, and structures.
  • Relationships and connections.
  • Production and commercial centres.
  • Market and collecting.
  • Conservation, cataloging, exhibition, and management.
  • Theory, methodology, historiography, and research sources.

Congress Webpage


Abstracts may be submitted to the congress until 15th December 2024. To submit your proposal, please download the template and attach it in the online form provided below:



Following the evaluation by the scientific committee in mid-January, accepted communications will be notified, and participants must complete their registration by 15th April to confirm their attendance.

Presentations will be conducted in person and may be delivered in Spanish, Portuguese, English, or Basque, without simultaneous translation services, and will last for 15 minutes.



Communications presented at the congress may be submitted for evaluation to a special issue of the journal Res Mobilis.

Publication guidelines will adhere to those indicated on the journal's page, but the maximum length will be 35,000 characters including spaces, and a maximum of 10 images will be permitted. 

The deadline for submitting the original manuscripts will be 30th September 2025. 

Link to the journal: [Res Mobilis]