Skeletons, Skulls (Calacas) and Judas in the Decorative Universe of Diego Rivera
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Frida Kahlo
catrinas Diego Rivera

How to Cite

Ruiz Gómez, A. L. (2019). Skeletons, Skulls (Calacas) and Judas in the Decorative Universe of Diego Rivera. Res Mobilis, 8(9), 175–196.


The  Mexican  artist  Diego  Rivera  ordered  the  houses  for  Frida  Kahlo  and himself to the architect Juan O ́Gorman who makes a project completely modern, using a Lecorbusian language based on a radical style smooth walls, without any decoration.

Inside he follows the same principles and designs from the kitchen sink to the furniture; everything is done in a simple and minimalist way. What   is   surprising   when   by   studying   the   furniture   and   decorative elements  of  Rivera ́s  studio  is  the  metal  furniture  that  O ́Gorman designed, which  has  lasted  until  now,  while  the  Muralist  painter  was  buying  traditional furniture, mostly made by Mexican craft worker. But above all it draws our attention, and it is at this point that we will  focus on our research; those Rivera decoded  in a way ragbag its study, with more than  140  large  pieces,  some  of  them  more  than  two  meters  height,  made  in cardboard, that represent skeletons and Judas figures.
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