Transparent skin. The metaphor of glass in modern architecture and furniture design
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espacio interior
psicoanálisis modernity
interior space

How to Cite

Lage Veloso, C. (2023). Transparent skin. The metaphor of glass in modern architecture and furniture design. Res Mobilis, 12(15), 294–308.


This article reviews the values ​​of transparency and its influence on architecture and furniture design throughout the 20th century. A distinctive feature of modern objects is the tendency towards minimal materiality. This can be achieved either by reducing its surface area or by reducing its visibility. Transparent objects convey, through their ethereal appearance, connotations related to their advanced technology. Through their skin we see their entrails and due to this immediate perception, they manage to poetically set themselves up as perfect champions of virtue and honesty. The metaphorical dimension of this political image passes through religious, psychoanalytic and aesthetic keys. Synonymous with modernity, sincerity and lightness, without a doubt we are faced with one of the six basic principles of this millennium.
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