Works produced by Belgian interior decoration workshops in Spain at the end of the 19th Century
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paul hankar
victor chavarri
damman washer
georges houtstont eclecticism
interior decoration
victor chavarri
paul hankar
georges houtstont
damman washer

How to Cite

Paliza Monduate, M. (2023). Works produced by Belgian interior decoration workshops in Spain at the end of the 19th Century. Res Mobilis, 12(15), 88–114.


This research brings to light interior decorations, mainly floorings, doors and wooden panelling, made by the Belgian company Damman Washer in the late 19th century palace of Víctor Chávarri in Bilbao. To a large extent, its aesthetics are in keeping with the Flemish neo-renaissance style, a style to which the building's design, signed by the architect Paul Hankar, also corresponds. In addition, it so happens that this technician also designed proposals for the interior decoration of the building. In this sense, all the windows known today were designed in the same style. However, regardless of the fact that there are important neo-baroque decorations in the enclosure, the article also gives a good account of the Japanisme compositions in a bay window, most probably also originating in Belgium, which constitute an early example of this trend in Spain.
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