Leisure archaeology. Technologies and material culture of commercial dance halls in Asturias (1918-1936)
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History of leisure
Material culture
Everyday technology
Cultural industries
Popular Culture
Commercial dance halls historia del ocio
cultura material
tecnología cotidiana
industrias culturales
cultura popular
bailes de pago

How to Cite

Venta Ibaseta, P. (2023). Leisure archaeology. Technologies and material culture of commercial dance halls in Asturias (1918-1936) . Res Mobilis, 12(17), 1–37. https://doi.org/10.17811/rm.12.17.2023.1-37


Both Sociocultural History and the disciplines dedicated to the study of the material culture of industrial societies have paid practically no attention to the infrastructures, installations, or scientific-technical equipment of the practices carried out during leisure time. What is proposed in this study is an analysis of this topic based on the examination of commercial dance halls in Asturias during the period extending from 1918 to 1936, paying special attention to the spatial ergonomics produced inside these places as well as to the set of everyday technologies linked to these cultural industries.

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