Despite the expansion of research in modern interiors around the world and a more inclusive dialogue with regards to geography, ultimately, the field is still lacking theory and methods derived from its own specific needs rather than being adapted from architectural research, and a focus on its transient nature that is likely to lead to more impactful research and preservation results. Modern Turkish interiors research have also expanded greatly with individual, as well as projects or research groups like docomomo_tr interiors and DATUMM (Documenting and Archiving Modern Turkish Furniture) that create awareness through various forms of scholarly (documentaries, archival work) and popular (public exhibitions, popular books and magazines, newspaper pieces, and films) output. Although transience and thus a race with time is at the core of modern interiors research and several struggles are common worldwide, socio-cultural and economic reasons result in a faster pace in Turkey, creating an urgency to implement innovative methods and approaches fitting contemporary prerequisites of the field.
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