La Sonification as a tool in psychology
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curva normal sonification

How to Cite

Carnero-Sierra, S. (2022). La Sonification as a tool in psychology. R.E.M.A. Revista electrónica De metodología Aplicada, 24(2), 31–44.


Sonification is a representation and analysis tool that uses sound as conductor of a series of data. The transcription to frequency, intensity and timbre allows expressing different magnitudes and nuances of a set of observations. In this text, the fundamentals of the sonification will be shown, as well as its most common uses in psychology: motor learning, perceptual discrimination and representation of responses in certain pathologies that connect with the role of rhythm as essential factor in the organization of the organic. Through the compilation of the existing bibliography, sonification applications and their possibilities in other fields of psychology will be exposed. As an example, a simple conversion of the graphic representation of a normal curve into its auditory version is proposed. As a final interpretation, the possibilities of sound as a methodological tool for data analysis will be highlighted, opening interdisciplinary and multisensory paths in research.
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