Número actual
The present monographic issue is centered on the flood risk profile of the southern region of Nigeria. Nigeria, situated in the West African region, currently boasts a population of approximately 219 million individuals as of 2022. It is widely recognized as the most populous African country and ranks as the seventh most populous country worldwide. Southern Nigeria is made up of 17 of the 36 states in the country. The region has 45% of the nation's population. The monograph provides an in-depth analysis of the various factors contributing to the heightened frequency and severity of flood hazards in the region. These factors include proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, heavy rainfalls, unregulated urban expansion, insufficient maintenance of dams, deforestation, improper waste management, and insufficient governmental support for environmental monitoring and planning. This attributed to the significant developmental disparity seen across the nation.
This issue provides an analysis of the financial and non-financial consequences of floods in southern Nigeria, while also examining the response strategies implemented by governmental bodies at the federal, state, and local levels. Furthermore, the text underscores the infrastructure implemented by both the authorities and the community to alleviate the risks associated with flooding. The monograph proposes that the Nigerian government, across all tiers, prioritize the execution of action plans outlined in the Sendai Framework. The objective is to mitigate flood risks, minimize vulnerability, and foster resilience.