Las campañas de imagen de los municipios catalanes como reflejo de sus políticas locales / The brand campaign of the Catalan city councils as a reflect of their local policies
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marketing urbano
promoción económica
promoción turística
municipios catalanes marketing urbain
image de ville
promotion économique
promotion touristique
communes catalanes city marketing
city image
economic promotion
touristic promotion
Catalan municipalities

How to Cite

Paül i Agustí, D. (2017). Las campañas de imagen de los municipios catalanes como reflejo de sus políticas locales / The brand campaign of the Catalan city councils as a reflect of their local policies. Ería, 37(2), 187–199.


The brand image of a municipality can be understood as a synthesis of the city council policies and shows the areas considered priority by local governments. The following article collects the brand image campaigns of the group of Catalan municipalities to analyse the prioritized topics. The results show a clear commitment to tourism and little attention to other elements such as promotion of commerce, industry, innovation and knowledge. Also some problems related to coordination, duration and ambition of different initiatives are listed.
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