Definir la urbanización periférica: conceptos y terminología / Defining the urban periphery: concepts and terminology
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urbano périphérie
urbaine periphery

How to Cite

Obeso Muñiz, I. (2019). Definir la urbanización periférica: conceptos y terminología / Defining the urban periphery: concepts and terminology. Ería, 39(2), 183–206.


The traditional dichotomy between the city and its immediate rural space has been blurred, especially in those countries where the degree of urbanization is higher. Since the second half of the nineteenth century, new forms of settlements have appeared that do not fit either the cities or the rural centers. This phenomenon is characterized by a semantic uncertainty that makes understanding difficult. An update is presented as a state of the matter in order to clarify the complexity of these spaces. In a complementary way, its causes, processes and physiognomies are deepened both internationally and nationally. Finally, definitions are outlined while synthesizing the predominant theoretical frameworks in academic literature.
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