Geoturismo con realidad aumentada en la zona volcánica del Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real) / Geotourism with augmented reality in the Campo de Calatrava volcanic field (Ciudad Real, Spain)
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georruta volcánica
realidad aumentada
desarrollo sostenible
Campo de Calatrava Geotourism
volcanic georoute
augmented reality
sustainable development
Campo de Calatrava Géotourisme
géoroute volcanique
réalité augmentée
développement durable
Campo de Calatrava

How to Cite

Poblete Piedrabuena, M. Ángel, Beato Bergua, S., Marino Alfonso, J. L., & Herrera Arenas, D. (2022). Geoturismo con realidad aumentada en la zona volcánica del Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real) / Geotourism with augmented reality in the Campo de Calatrava volcanic field (Ciudad Real, Spain). Ería, 42(1), 73–106.


A georoute with augmented reality is designed and elaborated in the volcanic zone of ​​Campo de Calatrava, with the aim not only of disseminating to society the relevant value of its geomorphological heritage, but also contributing to its development sustainable through geotourism in volcanic landscape. The methodology used has basically consisted of field work, the selection of the most interesting and representative volcanoes and the elaboration of augmented reality graphic resources. As a result, a georoute consisting of seven points of interest is proposed, showing the wide variety of forms, deposits, and types of volcanoes, such as cinder cones, maars formed in Paleozoic basement and in tertiary sediments, as well as thermal springs. The itinerary stimulates scientific dissemination and learning, fosters respect and conservation of heritage, and serves as the basis for the dissemination and development of the UNESCO Global Geopark “Volcanes de Calatrava-Ciudad Real” project.
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