Mieres (Asturias) como laboratorio geográfico para verificar la transición urbana en ciudades mineras / Mieres (Asturias) as a geographical laboratory to verify urban transition in mining cities
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régénération urbaine intégrale
mobilité durable
ville post-minière
contraction territoriale regeneración urbana integral
movilidad sostenible
ciudad postminera
contracción territorial integral urban regeneration
sustainable mobility
postmining city
territorial contraction

How to Cite

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, F. ., Menéndez Fernández, R. ., Fernández Domínguez, G., Pulgar Díaz, C. ., & Escobedo González, M. C. (2022). Mieres (Asturias) como laboratorio geográfico para verificar la transición urbana en ciudades mineras / Mieres (Asturias) as a geographical laboratory to verify urban transition in mining cities. Ería, 42(1), 107–140. https://doi.org/10.17811/er.2022.2022.107-140


Spanish mining cities have been facing a continuous decline for decades. The end of the cycle threatens them with contraction. To face it, reindustrialization policies demonstrate their limitations.  Mieres (Asturias) is a paradigmatic city among the Spanish ones and has references between the Europeans. It slowly has lost its traditional role and lengthens its transition process, in which different approaches are known. The one described here is committed to comprehensive urban regeneration, understood as a process, marked out by executed projects, and has been operated by cooperation between the local administration and the CeCodet at the University of Oviedo. M-Movydus is the latest milestone in an action-research application to organize the urban transition.
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