In 1802 the heir to the Spanish crown and his sister María Isabel married their cousins, the prince of Naples and Sicily and his sister María Antonia. Being the wedding in Barcelona, the court had to move there, with the logistical problem that this represented. Part of the magnificent furniture that was made for the occasion in Madrid is largely known. However, some years ago I brought to light some furniture designs that seemed to have been made in Mallorca for this event and I was able to identify with some furniture from the royal collection. Fortunately, all the documentation related to this order has appeared and confirms many of the suggestive aspects of this unknown production system, confirming who commissioned it, why in Mallorca, what cabinetmaker, under what conditions, with what deadlines, for what price and even by what criteria some of them were rejected.
Garcia Sánchez, Laura. “Arte, fiesta y manifestaciones efímeras: la visita a Barcelona de Carlos IV en 1802.” Tesis doctoral, Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universitat de Barcelona, 1998.
Godoy, Manuel. Cuenta dada de su vida política por don Manuel Godoy, Príncipe de la Paz o sean Memorias críticas y apologéticas para la historia del reinado del Señor D. Carlos IV de Borbón. Madrid: Imprenta de I. Sancha, 1836-1842, III [1836], 1965.
Junquera, Juan José. La decoración y el mobiliario de los palacios de Carlos IV. Madrid: Organización Editorial, 1979.
López Castán, Ángel. “Los mozos de oficio de la Real Tapicería y la creación de los muebles para la Jornada de Barcelona de 1802.” Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, vol. 20. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2008.
Marqués Delgado, Juan. El mueble en Mallorca. Palma de Mallorca: José J. de Olañeta, 2012.
Nieva Soto, Pilar. “Adornos de plata y bronce en las camas de los Reyes Carlos IV y Fernando VII." Estudios de Platería San Eloy. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2007.
Pou Armengol, Miguel. “Los Isern. Unos ebanistas mallorquines al servicio de Jovellanos.” Res Mobilis, Vol. 5, nº 5. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 2016. https://www.unioviedo.es/reunido/index.php/RM/issue/view/867
Sánchez Casado, Antonio. “Pablo Palencia: diseños de mobiliario”. Reales Sitios, Nº 203. Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional, 2015.