This monographic issue is about the disaster risk profile of the People’s Republic of China. China is a geographically vast country with the world’s largest population. Because of the vast land area that stretches from the high plateau to temperate coasts, China is prone to a variety of natural disasters. Globally, China is regularly among the top three countries most affected by disasters every year, in terms of disaster frequency, lives lost, and economic damages. In addition to natural hazards, China faces a variety of social vulnerabilities, including significant inequalities in income and health outcomes. Vulnerable populations include rural communities, poorer provinces, and people of lower socioeconomic status. While there are some efforts to target the inequalities in society, the current disparity remains large and these populations will be much more vulnerable to disasters.
This monographic issue analyzes the disaster risk of China by implementing the hazard-exposure-vulnerability models. The data on disaster incidents used in the report came from a variety of sources, including peer-reviewed articles and intergovernmental organization reports. Vulnerabilities are analyzed through a socioeconomic lens, addressing the complexity of the cultural and historical background. In the end, coping mechanisms, including technological initiatives and disaster risk management mechanisms are presented. As China’s demographic changes and global warming exacerbate, preparing for future disasters will become increasingly important.