Sobre a Revista

Emergency and Disaster Reports is a journal edited in English since 2014 by the Unit for Research in Emergency and Disaster ( of the Department of Medicine of the University of Oviedo. Its objective is to present research works, monographic reviews and technical reports related to the fields of Medicine and Public Health in emergency and disaster situations, as well as pre-hospital emergency systems. The journal is aligned with the objective of the United Nations Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction to promote the improvement of scientific knowledge on the causes of disasters and the effects of natural hazards and technological and environmental disasters within the societies, and facilitate wider application to reduce the vulnerability of disaster-prone communities. Emergency and Disaster Reports is currently the only Spanish journal that covers this area of ​​knowledge.

The topics covered by the journal include a wide range of issues related to thedifferent dimensions of the phenomena of emergency and disaster, ranging fromthe study of the risk factors, patterns of frequency and distribution, characteristics, impacts, prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response, humanitarian aid, standards of intervention, operative research, recovery, rehabilitation, resilience and policies, strategies and actions to address these phenomena from a risk reduction approach. In the last thirty years has beensubstantial progress in the above-mentioned areas in part thanks to a better scientific knowledge of the subject. The aim of the journal is to contribute to this progress facilitating the dissemination of the results of research in this field.

Periodicity, peer review, sending, reception and selection of originals

The journal publishes four issues a year and considers for publication works written preferably in English on the different dimensions of the emergency and disaster phenomena.
All manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Committee of the journal and by expert reviewers, appointed by the editors, who do a blind peer review. The journal adheres to "the recommendations for the application, reporting, editing and publication of manuscripts in biomedical journals" published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the standards of the Open Journal System. Accepted articles will be published in the electronic version of the journal. The works admitted for publication will remain the property of the journal and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized. All the authors of each work must send in writing the letter of assignment of these rights once the article has been accepted.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal's digital manager. The complete manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter, the document of responsibilities, publication agreement and transfer of rights.