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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos formales y bibliográficos expuestos en las directrices para autores

Author Guidelines

Submission of Manuscripts

Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII is an interdisciplinary scientific journal devoted to the study of the 18th century, in relation to the Spanish and Hispanic American fields. The CESXVIII (1991-), edited by the Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII of the University of Oviedo, is a continuation of the Boletín de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, founded in 1973.

Each CESXVIII issue includes a section of works organised around a Monograph, supervised by a coordinator appointed by the Editorial Board; a section with an open theme, Varia, another section of Sources and Documents, focused on critical text editing; and a fourth section of Reviews.

Submissions must be made through the magazine’s platform. For any questions, contact the editorial secretary (Rodrigo Olay Valdés,

General observations

  • Only original research is published, which cannot be parallelly submitted to any other journal.
  • The maximum length of works is 12,000 words.
  • The presentation of the original work must include: title in English and Spanish / author’s name, institution and ORCID / an abstract in English and Spanish no longer than 150 words / 6 keywords in English and Spanish / and a bibliography.
  • The works received are submitted to the anonymous peer review system. They will be submitted for blind peer review with external assessors which, on request of the Editorial Board, will assess their authenticity, relevance and methodological rigour. The author will receive notification of the decision within no more than three months in which appear the arguments leading to the acceptance, review or rejection of the manuscript will be clearly stated. If the assessment suggests revisions, the author must ensure they are made; the second version will be examined by the Editorial Board.
  • According to the FECYT regulations, in the of case articles signed in co-authorship, the Editorial Board may request information about the work carried out by each author to order their names: the order will represent the significant contribution of the endorsers; if this is even, the order will be alphabetical.
  • In the case of plagiarism or fraud, the research will be withdrawn from the journal’s webpage and the Editorial Board will publish a correction statement.

Editorial standards

Texts should be written in Times New Roman font, fully justified, and single-spaced. Paragraphs must have a first-line indentation at 1.25. After each paragraph, a space must be included. The base text must be written in font size 12, quotations in font size 11, and notes in font size 10.

According to the FECYT regulations, the use of inclusive language is encouraged, as is the practice of citing the first names of female researchers and authors to favour their visibility.

Chapter headings must be written in bold, and unnumbered lower case italics. Subdivisions should be avoided as far as possible. If they are made, they shall be numbered using Arabic numerals.

We will use guillemets (« »), and inverted commas (“ ”) will only be used for internal quotation marks. Omissions will be indicated with ellipsis between square brackets [...]. A long dash (—) will be used to indicate any purpose that is not linking compound words or numerical series.

Quotations longer than three lines must be written in a separate paragraph. These exempt quotations must be fully indented at 1.25, without quotation marks and in font size 11.

Footnotes must always be at the bottom of the page and of an explanatory nature only (do not use footnotes that only include bibliographical references). Notes shall be inserted after punctuation marks (punctuation. 1). They should have a first-line indentation at 1.25.

Bibliographical references

The Harvard referencing style will be followed, using abbreviated in-text citations in parentheses (Caso González, 1992: 32-33) or (1992: 32-33). The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order, and internally in chronological order, without making a distinction between primary and secondary sources or between print and digital formats.

In the case of digital editions, the link must be included as a link associated with the title, and the generated underline must be removed. Long links from search engines will not be accepted.


Durán López, Fernando (2021), De las seriedades de Urania a las zumbas de Talía. Astrología frente a entretenimiento en la censura de los almanaques de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII, Oviedo, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII / Ediciones Trea (ACESXVIII, 6).

Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de (1784), «Censura de Fabio y Fileno», AHN, Consejos, leg. 5548, exp. 4.

— (1984), Obras completas, t. I, Escritos literarios, ed. José Miguel Caso González, Gijón, Ayuntamiento de Gijón / Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIII.

Porcel y Salablanca, José Antonio (1999), El Adonis, ed. María Dolores Tortosa Linde, Oviedo, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII.

Book chapter

Domergue, Lucienne (1972), «L’inventaire de la bibliothèque de Gijón en 1796», en Les démêlés de Jovellanos avec I’Inquisition et la Bibliothèque de l’Instituto, Oviedo, Centro de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, págs. 33-43.

Lluch, Ernest y Lluís Argemí (1995), «Genealogía teórica e influencia práctica del Discurso sobre el fomento de la industria popular», en VV. AA., Estudios Dieciochistas en Homenaje al Profesor José Miguel Caso González, Oviedo, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII / Caja Asturias, vol. II, págs. 39-50.

Urzainqui Miqueleiz, Inmaculada (2009), «La prensa en la época de Carlos IV: continuidades y cambios», en Elena de Lorenzo Álvarez (ed.), La época de Carlos IV (1788-1808), Oviedo, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII / Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales / Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII / Ediciones Trea, págs. 87-112.

— (2009)…

Journal article

Arias de Saavedra, Inmaculada (2017), «Lectura y bibliotecas de mujeres en la España del siglo xviii. Una aproximación», Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, n.º 23, págs. 57-82.

Deacon, Philip (2021), «Perico y Juana de Tomás de Iriarte y la Inquisición», Dieciocho. Hispanic Enlightenment, vol. 44, n.º 1, págs. 73-92.

Dubuis, Michel (2020), «Del concepto de un “movimiento erudito”, componente de la Pre-Ilustración», Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, n.º 30, 165-190.


In the case of archival documents, if the citation is not so long, it will be fully referenced in parentheses (AHN, Consejos, leg. 5553, exp. 22); otherwise, the citation will be placed as a footnote.

Although each classification has its own peculiarities, we will stick to this scheme as far as possible: archive, section, series (or collection), file (or book, folder, box), dossier (or number) and r. and v. folios.

Examples: AHN, Consejos, leg. 5553, exp. 22. // AHN, Consejos, lib. 2478, fols. 229r.-244v. // AHN, Nobleza, Fondo Fernán Núñez, carp. 256, n.º 9. // RAH, 10-8020, n.º 51. // AHDM, c. 9178, n.º 3. // RIDEA, Toreno, folder. 11, n.º 5, fol. 3v.

Abbreviations and acronyms

We will be using the following abbreviations: p. for page/s; fol. and fols. for folio/s; f. for following; ms. and ms. for manuscript/s; vol. and vols. for volume/s; n.º and No. for number/s; as well as the usual acronyms for institutions: AHN, BNE, CSIC, IFESXVIII, RAE, RAH, RABASF, RSEMAP.


Spelling will be modernised in literal quotations and bibliographical references. Preservation will be chosen only if there are compelling reasons not to do so.


Images will be produced along with the texts. They shall be provided attached and numbered with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Additionally, they must be included in the place where they have to be inserted, along with their corresponding caption. It is the author’s responsibility to have the necessary permissions for publication.

Reproduction conditions

Given that the publications are open access in the institutional repository of the University of Oviedo, the total, or partial reproduction of the books is not allowed, nor their incorporation to other platforms, except the INSTITUTIONAL ones, or in the case of having the express authorisation of the Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII and Ediciones Trea. For dissemination on commercial platforms, authors can use the material that will be provided to them as well as the link to the repository:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.