The Contribution of the Asturian Language to the Romance Etymology
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etimología románica
lengua asturiana
tucu romanic etymology
Asturian language
tochu etimoloxía románica
llingua asturiana

How to Cite

Georgescu, S. (2022). The Contribution of the Asturian Language to the Romance Etymology. Lletres Asturianes, (126), 9–38.


We aim to highlight the contribution that can bring the Asturian language to the study of Romance etymology, both when it comes to solving lexical aporias in the Ibero-Romance territory, and in the attempt to establish genetic relationships between Romance words that are difficult to link to each other because of their apparent semantic divergence. Not infrequently, the Asturian language holds precisely the missing link in the chain of Romance data, so that its evaluation makes it possible to connect pieces of information that seemed divergent. Consequently, it allows us to identify the common Proto-Romance basis of lexemes spread in various Romance linguistic varieties. At the same time, by analyzing the Asturian cognates of Romance words of doubtful or unknown etymology, in certain cases, one can reveal the semantic trajectory of such lexemes whose meaning was not easily explainable. Thus, the polysemy of Ast. tacu ‘heel’, ‘piece of wood’, ‘short person’ reveals the linkage between It. tacca ‘incision’, Fr. tache ‘stain’ and tache ‘nail’, Sp. taco ‘piece of wood’ and tacón ‘heel’. The Asturian word tochu ‘stick, ‘stupid’ allows us to establish, on the one hand, the correspondence between the meanings of Sp. tocho, namely ‘cudgel’ and ‘rude’, and, on the other hand, the relationship between the Ibero-Romance lexical items and It. tòzzo ‘piece of bread’ and ‘thick’. We will also show that the genetic relationship between these words involves an etymological connection with Ast. tucu ‘stump’, Sp. tocón ‘id.’ and It. tòcco ‘pedazo’.
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