Ecos de mi aldea by Matilde de Soignie
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How to Cite

Álvarez Rodríguez, E. (2022). Ecos de mi aldea by Matilde de Soignie. Lletres Asturianes, (126), 189–199.


This article intends to do a brief analysis, on its ways and contents, about Ecos de mi aldea, a book of poems written by Matilde de Soignie (Avilés), towards the year 1870. The text was reciently discovered in 2019, and was published in Cartafueyos de lliteratura escaecida, edited by the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana. It belongs to
the main literary trends that were present on the Asturies from the 19th century, marked
by costumbrist currents and themes about emigration, pilgrimages…, very common at
that age and present in the works of other coetaneous authors like Marcos del Torniello
or Fernández Usatorre («Nolón»). In this paper, right after introducing the biographical
data known about the author, they will be studied the contents, poetical ways and
structures present in the poems that conform the book.
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