The derivational morphology of Protoromance: reconstruction of the suffix */- 'ur-a/
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Diccionariu Etimolóxicu Románicu (DÉRom)
morfoloxía derivacional
*/-'ur-a/ Romance Etymological Dictionary (DÉRom)
derivational morphology

How to Cite

Bianca. (2022). The derivational morphology of Protoromance: reconstruction of the suffix */- ’ur-a/. Lletres Asturianes, (121), 11–45. Retrieved from


Lexical creation and, more particularly, derivational processes have
always been a key area of interest and study for linguists. As far as Romance
languages are concerned, this phenomenon was traditionally studied, from both a
synchronic and a diachronic perspective, resorting to written Latin in order to explain
the etymology of suffixes in different languages. That long tradition has recently been
reconsidered from a methodological point of view and experts now argue that, in
principle, Romance languages cannot date back to written Latin, which represents a
stereotyped language state. In this sense, in 2008, after the 25th International Congress
on Romance Linguistics and Philology, Romanists Éva Buchi and Wolfgang
Schweickard developed the project Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom).
The team of this project uses the method of comparative reconstruction to reconstruct
Proto-Romance lexicon from the data offered by Romance languages. This method,
which involves a substantial change in the orientation of Romance etymological
studies, allows, on the one hand, to reconstruct the (oral) etymon of a Romance lexical
item and, on the other hand, to elucidate the internal variation of Latin, reflecting a
language state closer to the language spoken in the old Roman Empire than the data
from written texts.
In general, the reconstruction of Proto-Romance and the reconstruction of derivational
morphology (in particular, suffixation) are relatively unexplored fields of study in
traditional philology and are typically approached from an idio-Romance perspective
always focused on Latin. Thus, these areas of study are especially interesting in the
light of the DÉRom method. This paper examines the Proto-Romance suffix */-'ur-a/
which was studied in the framework of our doctoral dissertation at the University of
Liège and the ATILF (CNRS & University of Lorraine). The method adopted is the
comparative reconstruction used by the DÉRom. The results of our research are based
on the reconstruction and thorough analysis of 45 Proto-Romance etymons.
Key words: Romance Etymological Dictionary (DÉRom), derivational morphology,
Proto-Romance, reconstruction, suffixation, */-'ur-a/.

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