Anthropology, Ethnography, and the Printed Press: A Revision of the Specialized Journals in Asturies
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printed press
Anthropology and Ethnography
Asturian language prensa periódica
antropoloxía y etnografía
llingua asturiana

How to Cite

Menéndez Menéndez, L. (2022). Anthropology, Ethnography, and the Printed Press: A Revision of the Specialized Journals in Asturies. Lletres Asturianes, (121), 119–134. Retrieved from


Since the 1980s a good number of publications have incorporated contens related to anthropology and/or ethnography. Among them, three continue to contemplate these topics today. Among the journals that are no longer in circulation we could mention the following as the ones that dedicated the biggest number of pages to cultural studies: Ástor, Cartafueyos de la Lliga Celta d’Asturies (1981-1990); El canciu’l cuélebre. Revista cultural asturiana (1995 2000); El cuirno (2005-2007) o N’Ast, cartafueyos d’ensayu (2007 2013). Among the ones that are still active, number 10 of Lletres Asturianes, published in 1984, inaugurated a section entitled «Anthropology Materials» that since then constituted a significant part of several issues of the official newsletter of the Asturian Language Academy. However, this type of studies had already featured in earlier issues. Since 1991, Cultures (A Journal ofAsturian Culture) has published 21 volumes that are fully fo cused in anthropology and ethnography, for some time being the only Asturian journal specifically dedicated to anthropology. Finally, in 1996 Asturies (Living Memory of a Country) started its publication history, which has reached 37 issues that include a great number of pages about anthropology and ethnography. This paper elaborates a revision of these publications, the authors that have written for them, and the topics they have approached, which constitute a relevant corpus of knowledge.

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