Notes on negation in Asturian: a comparison with other Romance languages
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Romance languages
Asturian language
negation Llingües romances
Llingua Asturiana
la negación

How to Cite

Floricic, F. (2022). Notes on negation in Asturian: a comparison with other Romance languages. Lletres Asturianes, (119), 11–35. Retrieved from


The purpose of this paper is to present some of the most prominent aspects of the morphosyntax of negation in Asturian. Taking as a basis some dialectal monographs, particularly the one covering the speech of L.lena, we wish to examine some aspects of the distribution of negation and negative morphemes. In any case, it must be made clear that the discussion provides only a partial description of negation and much more exhaustive research needs to be done in this respect. We will attempt at describing the characteristics of the variants nun, nu and nɔŋ by establishing a comparison with similar negative particles which can be found in other Romance languages. Likewise, we will deal with a phenomenon which has been much less discussed so far in our field of study: the phenomenon of holophrastic negation (i.e. «¡no!»). Several recent studies have tried to address the issue of holophrastic words from the angle of ellipsis phenomena. Using Asturian and Romance data, we will examine the nature and the features of holophrastic negative words from the point of view of both syntax and human communication. Regarding the structure and the contents of the paper, firstly some general remarks on the typology of negation are made. After that, the phenomenon of allomorphy, which in our opinion influences negation in Asturian, is explored. Finally, we will approach the question of elliptical constructions and we will provide some notes on the problem of holophrastic negation.

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