The analysis of the Portuguese spoken in the border village of Avelanoso, municipality of Vimioso, reveals evident similarities between the Mirandese and the linguistic features of this village. Based on studies on the Mirandese language, especially in Barros Ferreira (2001) about the situation and linguistic delimitation of the Mirandese, and on a qualitative methodological approach based on interviews collected in that village, this work aims to understand at what level the aspects that distinguish the Mirandese from Portuguese can also be registered in the village of Avelanoso. Within the regional varieties of Portuguese, local language is understood as a register that coexists only in spoken form, composed of little differentiated features, but with its changes within the regional structure in which it is inserted; its use is limited to small geographical boundaries (Cunha & Cintra, 2002). This research analyzes the particularities of the local language of this community in the Northeast Trás-os-Montes through the preservation and reconstruction of the memory in the context of oral history (Bosi, 2003). The conclusions of this study reveal that the sociolinguistic peculiarities of Avelanoso are similar or largely coincide with the distinctive features of the Mirandese language. This study argues that Mirandese was once spoken in Avelanoso and that the Portuguese of this village still expresses this sociolinguistic heritage or contiguity, despite all the deep social, economic, and linguistic changes.
In the past, Avelanoso belonged to the administrative territory of Terras de Miranda. Despite this historical connection, there is no record of research focused on this community to analyze the sociolinguistic influence of Mirandese. This study aims to understand the traces of Mirandese in the Portuguese spoken by the people of this village.
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