New Tradition and Activism in Minoritized-Language Communities: The Time of post-2008 Asturian Music
PDF (Asturianu)


Asturian music
Rodrigo Cuevas
Ún de Grao
Coru Al Altu la Lleva
Caja de músicos
choir Música asturiana
Rodrigo Cuevas
Ún de Grao
Coru Al Altu la Lleva
Caja de músicos
coro Música asturiana
Rodrigo Cuevas
Ún de Grao
Coru Al Altu la Lleva
Caja de músicos

How to Cite

Álvarez Sancho, I. (2022). New Tradition and Activism in Minoritized-Language Communities: The Time of post-2008 Asturian Music. Lletres Asturianes, (127), 55–82.


This paper analyzes the recovering of tradition as well as the new forms of activism and community engagement in music in Asturias following the 2008 financial crisis. Specifically, I study Rodrigo Cuevas, arguably the most recognized new musician inside and outside Asturias; Ún de Grao, the musical project of Xosé Martínez Álvarez, a member of the so-called «post-folk» generation whose main aim is to revitalize the tonada; and the Coru Al Altu la Lleva, which, born in the environment of the association of musicians Caja de músicos, continues the tradition of choral music and explicitly engages in activism, both with noted Asturian musician Nacho Vegas and as an independent ensemble.

Recent Asturian music signals new trends in its relationship to space and also to time. Musicians hope to participate globally, not by blending into any pattern, but through their local difference and through activism. Some of the issues Asturian musicians relate to are the role of the many languages and cultures that coexist in a territory, the revival of a lived past while questioning certain ideas of the previous generation, the awareness of sexual diversity, the new-rural tendency after the economic recession and the pandemic, and the rise in community activism after the Indignados movement following the 2008 global financial crisis. Through music, Asturias and the Asturian language both participate and respond to local, national and international trends which, drawing upon tradition, create unique ways of resignifying the past and of influencing the present and the future.
PDF (Asturianu)


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