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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work is original and unpublished. It has not been previously published nor is it used simultaneously for another publication in evaluation or in press.

  • The text has been sufficiently revised before submission and does not contain linguistic errors (syntactic, grammatical, lexical ...) in any of the languages used (including the obligatory abstracts in Spanish, French and English).

  • Maps and graphs have been produced according to graphic semiology standards.

  • All the sources used for the preparation of the work, both in the text and in the figures, have been indicated (both in the text file and in the website metadata) in accordance with the guidelines for authors.

  • If possible, doi and URLs of bibliographic references are incorporated.

  • In case of reproduction of figures, consent has been obtained from the authors of the original images (or from those who hold the corresponding rights) for their use.

  • The references that allow authorship to be known directly or indirectly, both in the content and in the properties of the computer files (personal, employment data, acknowledgment, project financing ...) have been anonymized in the files sent for evaluation.

  • There is a commitment to send a shorter version of the work in English (around 25,000 characters) in case the work is accepted for publication (for research in Spanish or French).

  • The work meets all the formal requirements expressed in the guidelines for authors, regarding any aspect of the text or figures.

  • The work outlines all the authors who have participated in the development of the research -including ORCID ID reference- as well as the organizations and programs responsible for its financing.

  • The publication proposal also implies the commitment to correct and / or retract in case of errors detected later.

  • The authors agree with the ethical statement on publication and rejection of bad practices expressed by the editorial team.

  • The use of inclusive language has been taken into account.
  • It is indicated if the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.
  • The protocol for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been taken into account and respected.

Author Guidelines


1. Admission

Research papers submitted must be original and unpublished (condition to be maintained throughout the process). Proposals sent to Ería cannot be used simultaneously in any other publication. All proposals received must respect principles of ethical editorial conduct.

The reception of articles is open throughout the year. There are no fees or charges for processing (APCs) or publication.

Ería accepts papers in Spanish, French and English to be submitted to external reviewers for a blind peers procedure. The editorial team reserves the right to make style corrections.

All the materials that compose the work will be sent through the journal’s website (https:// ). Communication will be done through the website. In cases of several authors, the interlocutor will be the one indicated as main contact. 

Having started the evaluation process, the incorporation or removal of an author will only be accepted after justification and with the explicit agreement of the co-authors.

Once the external evaluation has been received, the authors must modify the work in accordance with the comments of the reviewers and send it again through the web. It must be accompanied by a file that explains how the suggestions included in the evaluation report are followed.

In case of acceptance, the works written in Spanish or French must be translated into English in a reduced version (around 25,000 characters) in order to broaden their scope.

In the event of a potential conflict of interest regarding the publication, the authors should contact the editorial team.

2. Text

It must be submitted in digital format compatible with text editing programs, in A4 size with lower right page numbering, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman font size 12. It will have between 50,000 and 100,000 characters. If it is essential to exceed the stated limit, such circumstance -duly justified- must be consulted. 

Initially, no personal or work data - work place, email, funding agencies and programs, project codes, etc. - should be indicated in the file sent for evaluation (they will be included in the web record metadata from the first moment -including ORCID ID-). Any similar reference must be deleted in the properties section of the computer file (but included in the web record).

The header of the text should include: article title, abstract (no more than 250 words) and 5 keywords in Spanish, French, and English (the translation of the title should be incorporated at the beginning of each of the abstracts). Next, the nucleus of the article must be placed, followed by the bibliography, the tables and the specific comments of figures (files with the images will be sent separately through the web).

The text will indicate the approximate place where the tables and figures should enter. Its number will be proportionate to that of pages of the publication (a page in the journal has 5,400 characters); otherwise, the editorial team will eliminate those it deems appropriate.

Ería defends that the structure of a scientific article must be consistent with its approach and the nature of the results obtained. The research articles have different structures, according to their type, within the variety of geographical research that have a place and scientific interest in Human, Social and Earth Sciences. The structure based on introduction, methodology, results and discussion of results, strictly used for the division of headings, is a valid option but recommended in those cases in which the nature of the study invites to use, as optimal, such a scheme. 

Only words in languages other than the original text will be written in italics, as well as book titles, congresses or similar. In no case will bold letters be used. Literal citations will be in round letters: those with less than one line "in quotation marks"; those with more than one line, in Times New Roman 10 and separate paragraph. 

In the text document itself, before the references section, acknowledgments and sources of financing (when they existed) must be included. In the first version they will be anonymous and in the final reviewed version they will become visible.

3. Footnotes

Arabic numbering system will be used. When the citation is limited to the reference of a work, it will be inserted in the text, in parenthesis, indicating author, year and, if necessary, the page. When the reference to an author is made within the composition of the sentence, the round letter will be used to indicate his last name and the year will be added in parenthesis.

Citations must be consistent with the content of the text and correspond to works whose consultation has been carried out. Ería promotes the rigorous use of the citation and the bibliographic reference, not based on bibliometric inflation.

4. Tables

All tables will carry Roman numeration and a short title. The source of the data will also be indicated.

5. Figures

They will carry indistinct Arabic numerals (Fig. 1) for photographs, infographics, drawings, maps and graphics.

Apart from the numbering and a text about the elements or processes represented, it should be noted in the caption:

-in the case of maps and graphics: if they respond to author's elaboration, author's elaboration from a previous image, elaboration inspired by some model created by other authors, or if it is a reproduction. In the latter case, it will be necessary to have the permission of the original authors. It is also pertinent to indicate the origin of the reproductions in case they are cataloged in collections of archives and public or private institutions. The source of the data will also be included.

-in the case of photographs, infographics and drawings: it will be indicated if the author has done them (eg, “author's drawing”) or they are reproductions (the aforementioned applies).

Photographs, infographics and drawings will be sent in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Maps and graphics will be sent on a digital medium that can be manipulated. The treatment of the information for the elaboration of graphs and maps must necessarily be based on graphic semiology standards. Labeling shall be arranged so that the surface of the graph or map is not unnecessarily increased. The scales will always be graphic. When these figures require minor adjustments, the Ería team will take care of their final delineation; and if the corrections to be made were important, the original files will be returned to the authors with the appropriate indications. The editorial team reserves the right to dismiss figures that do not meet quality from a formal and / or content point of view.

In any case, the figures must be designed to support the reduction to the formats used in the journal: 80 mm, 120 mm or 165 mm.

6. Bibliography

In-text citaciones (7th APA edition from 2024)

—Short quotations (less than 40 words)

The author will be indicated, then the year of publication, and the page or multiple pages from the source. The abreviation for page will be “p.” and for pages “pp.”. Page ranges will be separated by an en dash. The text taken literally will be enclosed in quotation marks:

Pero estos espacios, como entidades geográficas, tienen la característica de ser muy diferentes en escala, lo que depende del núcleo de población en el que se encuentra inserto y provoca que no sean comparables: “26 hay de extensión en Vitoria, 400 en Sevilla; 11 000 habitantes en Orense o Pamplona frente a 118 000 en Barcelona” (Fernández, 2007, p. 76).

La más importante de ellas es el proceso de turistificación, la transformación de una parte de este espacio urbano singular en el que aparecen tanto efectos positivos, como la puesta en valor turístico del casco antiguo, como negativos, como la terciarización que reduce notablemente la función residencial del centro histórico (Calle & García, 2020, pp. 136–137). 

Esto, en consonancia con lo sucedido en otras comarcas vecinas (Ansola et al., 2014; Ansola, 2017), llevaría a pensar que al menos para la Baja Edad Media el poblamiento y sus terrazgos, la culturalización del monte y, por supuesto, la red viaria articuladora estarían ya configurados.

If it is a content linked to several works:

Como es bien sabido, durante los últimos cinco siglos la historia de América Latina ha sido, en cierto modo, la historia del extractivismo (Seoane, 2013; Machado, 2014; Burchardt, 2016). 

When the author's name is referred to outside of parentheses:

Al respecto, Rivas (2002) menciona que “el hambre es un fantasma que ronda por estos cuentos […]. El inolvidable día en que los niños de la escuela comen hasta quedar satisfechos, todos tienen sonrientes los ojos y una serenidad desconocida en la cara” (p. 291). 

Siguiendo ideas de Ángel Alonso (2020) los trabajos llevados a cabo en territorio nacional se han focalizado en “la importancia de la coordinación de los oficios” o en “la dureza de las movilizaciones en la defensa de sus puestos de trabajo” (pp. 27–28). 

And if there are two co-authors within the text and outside of parentheses, the Greek 'y' is used ('&' is reserved for parentheses):

Según Calle y García (2020, pp. 136–137), la más importante de ellas es el proceso de turistificación, la transformación de una parte de este espacio urbano singular […].

When an organization is cited, it should be by using its full name, and later in the article, if the abbreviation has been explained in the text, it could be abbreviated:

La comuna de Lo Barnechea, perteneciente a la Provincia de Santiago, tiene una superficie de 1024 km² (INE, 2017, 2023), pertenece administrativamente a la Provincia de Santiago. 

If works by the same author and published in the same year are cited, alphabetical keys are used (according to the order in the bibliographic list):

[…] Soporte de una tierra muy fértil en la que se extienden cierta variedad de cultivos y ricos pastos que alimentan una ganadería afamada (Díaz et al., 2007a, 2007b). 

And if two authors with the same last name are cited together, their first initials followed by the last name will be used:

(E. Sánchez, 2021; G. Sánchez, 2023).

—Long quotations (40 words or more)

The quotation marks will be omitted and a left indentation of 1.27 cm will be introduced. Spacing must be maintained. And no separating line will be used before or after the quote. 

References (7th APA edition from 2024)

—Article in a scientific journal

Catalán, J. (1993). Economía e industria: La ruptura de posguerra en perspectiva comparada. Revista de Historia Industrial, 4, 111–142. 

(DOI should be included if available. For electronic articles, URL may be also indicated).


Morales, H. L. (1978). ¿La revolución azul? Acuacultura y ecodesarrollo. Nueva Imagen. 

(DOI should be included if available)

Book chapter

Berking, J., & Schütt, B. (2018). Water harvesting around Vélez Blanco, SE-Spain. In J. Berking & B. Schütt (Eds.), Water Harvesting in Drylands (pp. 66–72). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. 

(DOI should be included if available)

—Online content in a website section

Bock, B., & J. Duncan (2020, abril 20). Rural-urban relations in times of COVID-19. Rural Sociology Wageningen. 

—Doctoral thesis

Fernández, J. (2001). Subsistencia y supervivencia en la ciudad de Oviedo y su concejo en el siglo XVI. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Oviedo]. Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Oviedo.

(URL should be indicated if available)

Press article

López, J. & Rivas, F. (2020, enero 29). La muerte por hambre de seis niños pone en emergencia alimentaria al norte argentino. El País. 

(URL should be indicated if available)

Press conference

Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente, Gobierno De Chile (2022, junio 10). SMA inicia procedimiento para exigir evaluación ambiental a dos proyectos inmobiliarios en Colina. [Comunicado de prensa]. 

7. Good practices in gender equality

The authors must take into account the use of inclusive language in scientific articles.

In addition, they must indicate whether the source data of the research take gender into account, where appropriate, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.




Those original works with less methodological and documentary development that, however, present results of unquestionable interest for geographic research will be published in this section. They will undergo a peer review process, such as articles, and if accepted, they will be translated into English. The formal features will be identical to those of the articles, including the maximum length of the text (although there will be no minimum extension). However, abstracts and keywords will not be required.

Bibliographic reviews, Notices and Materials or Presentations

They will be evaluated in the same way as articles and notes (since 2017). They must include a title, the complete reference of the books, documents or reports commented as well as a bibliographic list with the references of other works, documents or reports mentioned in the text. They must not exceed 25,000 characters.

Special Section

It welcomes works elaborated specifically to recognize the trajectory of relevant people, entities or publications in the progress of geographic knowledge. They will be carried out at the invitation of the editorial team and their evaluation will be carried out by two members of the journal’s bodies (since 2020). The formal features will be identical to those of the Notes. Depending on the cases, the opportunity to prepare a version in another language will be considered.



Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses will be used exclusively for the aims stated by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person.


Open publication system and self-archiving

Ería Revista Cuatrimestral de Geografía is committed to the open publication system, ensuring free access to research results with maximum visibility for published works. This means that the journal provides unrestricted access to all of its content from the moment of electronic publication.

The works published in Ería Revista Cuatrimestral de Geografía are subject to the following terms:

1. The University of Oviedo Press (the publisher) retains the copyright of the published works, and encourages and allows their reuse under the use license indicated in point 2.

© Ediuno. Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo

2. The works are published in the electronic edition of the journal under a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (legal text). They can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and displayed publicly, provided that: i) the authorship and the original source of its publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; ii) are not used for commercial purposes; iii) they do not constitute a derivative work; iv)the existence and specifications of this license of use are mentioned.

3. Self-archiving conditions. Authors are authorized to self-archive the articles in their post-print version (editorial version) on personal or institutional web pages, including a link to the journal page and setting the complete citation mode of the work. Ería Revista Cuatrimestral de Geografía and its url  are the only sources authorized to correctly reference the editor's version in all mentions of the article.