The increase in the risk of flooding in the Mediterranean coastal arc has led to the implementation of measures aimed at reducing it. Among the elements that can be used to develop these measures is included the study of historical floods through documentary sources. One of those documentary sources is the newspapers, which reached a great development during the 19thcentury and the start of the 20th. The result of this process was the appearance of local press with variable periodicity that collects abundant data on floods that may not be included in the catalogs of a larger geographical scope, since they affect small basins and the socio-economic impacts caused may be unremarkable. Within those parameters is the Sóller basin in Mallorca Island, where a local weekly newspaper allows developing a database of floods from 1900 to 2000, which include affected catchments, rainfall totals and recorded damages. The data help to develop a descriptive classification of flood according to damages: ordinary, extraordinary and catastrophic. It can be considered as a progress in the knowledge of the historical flood risk in the basin and can be a helpful tool to develop prevention plans. The main conclusion of the research is the usefulness of press as a tool to gain knowledge about past events and its value as a source to classify the societal and environmental impacts of floods.
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