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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • In order to ensure that the appropriate academic standards are met, authors are required to check that any articles they submit comply with the standards set out below. Failure to meet these guidelines will in itself be grounds for the article being rejected.

    1. The submitted article must be unpublished and original and must not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal (or, if so, an explanation is to be provided in comments to the editor).
  • The file sent is to be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF format.

    Web addresses should be added for references where possible.

    DOI references should be added where possible.

  • The text should have 1.5 line spacing, font size 12. Italics are used for titles instead of underlining (except for URLs), and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text in their proper place and not at the end.

  • The text complies with the bibliographical and style requirements stated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in the journal's About section.

Author Guidelines

There is no cost for editorial management of articles submitted

1. General Rules

1.1. Articles are to be no more than 10,000 words, including footnotes, but excluding the list of bibliographical references. Book reviews are to be limited to a maximum of 3,000 words. 

1.2. Research articles must rigorously adhere to the standards of the discipline of philology in which they are enrolled, in terms of academic quality. On the basis of confidential reports from external evaluators, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to accept a paper and in which volume it will be published. The journal's editorial staff is responsible for ensuring anonymity in the peer-review process.

1.3. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the articles and must ensure that they respect current copyright and intellectual property regulations at all times.

1.4. Papers must be submitted via the REUNIDO platform, by clicking on the following link, and adhering to all applicable steps. Originals sent by other means will not be accepted.


Authors are requested to contact the director or secretary of the journal's Editorial Board if they encounter any obstacles when sending their articles via the platform.

1.5. Articles are to include an abstract (of between 150 and 250 words) in Spanish and English, as well as a list of keywords (no more than six), also in Spanish and English. The title of the article should also be translated into English.

1.6 The author's name should not be included in the article. A supplementary file is to contain their name, academic institution and email address.


2. Formatting rules

2.1. The format is to be in Word, with 1.5 line spacing. Font: Times New Roman. Font size: body text 12 point, indented quotations 11 point, and notes 10 point.

2.2. The title of the Article should be centred and in regular font. The author's name should follow in capital letters, justified to the left. And below the name, the name of their institution. This should be followed by a contact email address.

2.3. Literal quotes are to be in the body of the text in quotation marks. Quotes that exceed three lines should not be put within quotation marks, but indented - in regular font and smaller body text (11 point). In both cases, at the end of the quote, the reference is to be given in brackets, following the Harvard author-date system. Examples:

- In Bertrand Russell's opinion (1977 :57), "the Cartesians accentuated the absolute character of the distinction by denying all interaction between mind and matter."   

- "The function of the signifier is to evoke a certain meaning" (Alarcos Llorach, 1986: 28)

Where two works by the same author and year have been cited, this is to be indicated by adding consecutive letters (a, b, etc) to the year, which will be correlated in the bibliography list. For example: (Conradi 1982b: 12).

2.4. Notes are always to be placed at the bottom of the page, with correlated numbering. Any acknowledgements, clarifications, etc are to appear at the bottom of the page before the first note, and marked with an asterisk at the end of the title of the article.

2.5. Within the text, italics are to be used solely for marking words - for example because they are in a language other than the article's general language. To indicate the meaning of a word, single quotation marks are to be used. Double quotation marks are reserved for short text quotations that are inserted into the text. Avoid the use of capital letters and bold font.

2.6. The heading used for REVIEWS is to contain the full reference of the book in question, in the following order: surname, first name, title, name of publisher, translator, director or coordinator, city, publisher, year, edition, number of pages. The name of the author of the review should be given at the end of the text in capital letters, justified right, and the institution to which they belong under their name, in regular font.


3. Bibliographical references

A section entitled Bibliographic References is to be included at the end of the article, specifying the full references of all works cited, following the APA system:

For information:    normas APA referencias ejemplos (7ª ed.)  Purdue referencias


Code of best editorial practice

The authors undertake to ensuring that the result of the research is original and has not been invented, manipulated or distorted. Plagiarism in all its forms, including self-plagiarism, and inventing or manipulating data constitute serious misconduct and are therefore considered to be fraud to the scientific community.

Authors are also required to request, in good time before publication, any necessary permissions for reproducing texts, images or any other partial or complementary documentation, the publication of which may require prior authorisation from the authors, in accordance with applicable legislation.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or given to any other person.