Nos proponemos analizar la figura del extranjero en el conjunto de la obra del escritor mozambiqueño Mia Couto, pues en ella “el otro” es una presencia constante. Realizaremos una aproximación a los diferentes tipos de extranjero, analizando su especificidad. Finalmente, presentaremos la obra de Couto como un inestimable recurso pedagógico intercultural, por su contribución a desarrollar en el lector la sensibilidad necesaria para establecer relaciones entre su cultura y la cultura del otro.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Mia Couto, “el extranjero”, interculturalidad.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the figure of the foreigner in the set of the work of the Mozambican writer Mia Couto, because in his work “the other”, is a constant presence. We make an approach to the different types of the foreigner analyzing his specificity. Finally, we present Mia Couto’s work like an inestimable intercultural and pedagogical resource because it contributes to develop, in the reader, the necessary sensibility to establish a relationship between his culture and the culture of the other.
KEY WORDS: Mia Couto, “the foreigner”, interculturality.