The aim of this study is to consider the political dimension of confession from Derrida’s works. Far from finding in confession a biopolitical dispositive of subjectivation, as Michel Foucault does, Derrida finds in this literary gender an exercise of deconstruction of the sovereignty of the subject, and a destitution of the idea of literary genre. This gesture supposes a displacement of confession from its epistemological dimension (self-knowledge and self-vigilance) to a practical dimension, in order to value it as a performative language. In this way, Derrida offers an original development of speech act theory, where performativity is not characterized by its activity, but rather by a sort of passivity; the subject is not self-made by doing things with words, but rather it is altered and transformed. This strategy manifests the political character of confession as a speech act, and offers an important turn in the conception of confession, anticipated by authors such as Zambrano and Kierkegaard: first, one confesses what he/she unknows; and second, confession is a textual dispositive that contaminates any discourse: every text, Derrida states, is a confession. Derrida’s position implies, in this manner, a reconsideration of the meaning of authorship, and puts in question the distinction life/writing.References
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