Literary Theory and Interdisciplinary Flexibility
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Cognitive Literary Studies
Poetic Imagination
Literary Theory. Interdisciplinariedad
estudios literario-cognitivos
imaginación poética
teoría literaria.


This study addresses the interdisciplinary nature of literary theory and presents a conception that situates it as a field of convergence of scientific and philosophical perspectives surrounding the study of imagination. The study begins with an argument about the epistemological and institutional necessity of such interdisciplinarity and it suggests that the contact among disciplines leads to a questioning of the nature of the results that each field of knowledge provides. The result is a reflection on the type of knowledge that theoretical-literary studies give and its uniqueness with respect to scientific knowledge. Given its methodological flexibility, the literary theory is in a position to articulate ideas about the processes underlying literary thought. Consequently, one of its current functions is to incorporate conceptions and tools of the cognitive sciences with a clear analytical purpose, responding to a concrete phenomenon of human cognition whose reflection finds in literature a privileged repository. The article glosses examples of such fertility conceiving poetic language as a propitious ground for such convergence. The complexity of interdisciplinarity in literary studies is described here along with the argument that literary theory must provide material of humanistic interest, illustrated in the investigation of specific processes of the poetic imagination. Finally, the article suggests that literary theory is able to inspire ideas in the cognitive sciences by means of its contributions on the functioning of literary language and on the relevance of literature as a corpus of human consciousness.
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