The Body in the Symbol. Matter and Perception in Symbol and Poetry Formation under the Cognitivist Perspectives
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Gilbert Durand
Mark Johnson
cognitive studies
poetic iconicity
image scheme
embodied cognition. Gilbert Durand
Mark Johnson
estudios cognitivos
iconicidad poética
esquema de imagen
cognición encarnada.


This paper connects Gilbert Durand’s thinking and cognitivist theories in their application to theory of literature. It reviews specifically the notions of image scheme by Mark Johnson and poetic iconicity by Margaret Freeman under the theoretical perspectives developed by Durand in the middle of the 20th century. These perspectives are enriched by conclusions drawn in present neuroaesthetics and semiotics, which search for biological grounds in their study of cultural phenomena, and also of poetic language, a field close to our interest. The final aim of this paper is to show the necessity of paying attention to the material, biologic and psychophysiological aspects acting upon the formation of symbols and language and their connection to the sentimental aspects, a concoction that until current cognitivism had been undervalued by critical paradigms of cartesian dualism.
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