A proposal on literary creativity from the Theory of Literature and Neuroscience
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Theory of Literature
anthropological poetics. Teoría de la LIteratura
antropología poética.


In this paper, a novel way is proposed for the study of literary creativity, from the Neuroscience and the Theory of Literature, with some considerations about cultural anthropology, through an interdisciplinary formulation. With this, we seek to formulate solid foundations in the field of Literary Theory. This proposal aims to analyze succinctly, on the one hand, the incidence of the literary institution and the creation of mental images, as essential elements for poetic creativity, as well as the role of memory, human capacity that articulates the creative process, through the linguistic formulation of the mental images and the knowledge of the conventions coming from the literary institution. To this, it would be necessary to unite the question of the ascription of a determined form to a determined content, through the exercise (to acquire the literary technique) and the intuition so that this ascription occurs automatically.
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