The present work aims to address the concept of truth in Alain Badiou from two recognizable spheres of philosophical knowledge; on the one hand, the central space occupied by poetry from Nietzsche to Heidegger in the philosophical disposition, and on the other, the need to transport it to the field of mathematical logic. In this way, we can analyze Badiou’s proposal as a thought that overcomes the “two cultures” and, in turn, as an attempt to unify that which had been closed under the name of “the war of the sciences”. For this reason, in this work the rupturistic aesthetics of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as the influences of mathematicians such as Cantor and Gödel are not strange. In turn, for philosophy to emerge from the metaphysical ostracism of the 20th century, and as a foundational leap over the enunciated end of philosophy, a classic return is imperative that brings poetry and mathematics back into dialogue: literature and mathematics.References
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