Evidentiality as a posible tool for manipulation? Quechua evidentials in some translations of religious texts
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inguistic manipulation
Quechua evidencialidad
manipulación lingüística


The Quechua evidentiality system is analyzed in some contemporary Christian religious texts, to check whether their functioning is the usual one or shows any discrepancies attributable to some form of manipulation. The Quechua translations show a
functioning of evidentiality different from what could be expected: complete absence of
evidential markers or overabundence of the direct evidence marker in absence of any
other. In order to clearly place them within the global picture of Quechua evidentiality,
the first part of the paper is devoted to a review of the Quechua evidential system and
a brief analysis of its functioning in ancient written texts (16th and 17th centuries), as
well as a few 20th c. narrative texts, including oral narratives. The second part is an
analysis of the contemporary religious texts.

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A) Traducciones que utilizamos

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