An Approach to the Soma in the Texts of the R̥gveda
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Vedic Ritual
Old Indian Mythology Rig-Veda
ritual védico
mitología india antigua


Soma constitutes one of the main elements of the Vedic ritual. Its definition as ‘sacred
drink’ or ‘deified drink’ doesn’t cover the huge range of mythical, ideological and religious connotations shown by its employ among the texts of the Rgveda. In the present ̥
work — mainly based on the excellent description by A. Hillebrandt (1927) — we
offer a philologically updated approach to its varied values and functions in the ritual,
including into an all-embracing view the most valuable contributions of the research.
Next to an Introduction (§ 1) that contains the etymology and a general mythological
account, the display structure starts from the most concrete evidences to be found in
the texts concerning the identification of the plant (§ 2); below, in an increasing order
of abstraction, are exposed the elements constituting the making and offering rituals
of the soma (§ 3); the final section pretends to systematize the complex plot of mythological and poetical relations culminating in the ideological and sacral exaltation of
soma as ‘king’ (§ 4).
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