Stan, Ollie and Cervantes: The Bohemian Girl (1843/1936)
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La gitanilla
The Bohemian Girl
William Balfe
Alfred Bunn
Stan Laurel y Oliver Hardy
Adaptación cinematográfica
Ópera La Gitanilla
The Bohemian Girl
William Balfe
Alfred Bunn
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
Film Adaptation


In 1936, Hal Roach Studies premiered the comedy The Bohemian Girl. Starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, it was based on a homonymous opera from 1843 by William Balfe and Alfred Bunn, whose libretto was at the same time inspired in La gitanilla by Miguel de Cervantes (Exemplary Novels, 1613). This paper analyses the transformation of the Baroque tale from its publication to the cinematographic rewrite due to “The Lot of Laugh”; without forgetting about the opera, the international success of Preciosa’s story and the multiple recreations that, since the 17th Century, contributed to the creation of one of the most influential myths of Spanish literature.
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