Béatrix Beck on screen: film adaptations of Léon Morin, prêtre
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reescritura novel, cinema, adaptation, faithfulness, rewriting.


Winner of the Goncourt Prize in 1951, Béatrix Beck’s novel Léon Morin, prêtre has been adapted for the screen twice: the homonymous film directed by Jean-Pierre Melville in 1961 and, very recently, Nicolas Boukhrief’s version titled La confession. In this article, we address the study of both versions paying special attention to the treatment they make of the original work, which in turn is revealing of the cinematographic project of the filmmakers, and, more generally, of their view of the art of film adaptation. Considered a cult director, Melville remains faithful to the original, no doubt because he considers that the proven quality of the novel works in favor of that of the movie. In turn, Boukhrief completely rewrites Beck’s text to obtain a product capable of attracting the interest of today’s average viewer.

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