This article sets to analyze the dramas Julius von Tarent by Johann Anton Leisewitz and Die Zwilinge by Friedrich Maximilian Klinger, both published in 1776 and exponents of the drama of the Sturm und Drang. It will study the motivations of the characters and the reinterpretations that each work offers of the fratricide of Cain and Abel: in Leisewitz, Julius cannot unite the spheres of reason of State and love, so he decides to rebel against the former and try to flee, but Guido prevents him and ends up murdering him; in Klinger, Guelfo questions Ferdinando’s birthright and claims it for himself, considering that it has been stolen and given everything to his brother. Through the actions of the characters in both dramas, the machinery of subordination and exercise of power that operates in them becomes visible. It is concluded that the works should not be seen as revolutionary dramas, but that in them operates an incipient critique of the enlightenment postulates and shows the decadence and imminent collapse of a society/family too rigid and hypocritical that seeks only its preservation and continuity without considering the internal consequences, i.e., the fragmentation and polarization that they may cause.
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